Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nebraska Defeats JoePa-Less Penn 17-14

(19) Nebraska 17

(8-2, 4-2 Big Ten)

(12) Penn St 14

(8-2, 5-1 Big Ten)

#19 Nebraska took a 17-0 lead in the third quarter before allowing #12 Penn State to score in the quarter then close to three at 17-14 in the fourth. Penn had a chance but was stopped on 4th and 1 at their own 38 with 1:49 left in the game.

After a week of shock and awe at Penn over the Jerry Sandusky/Joe Paterno debacle, resuming football today seemed to be a welcome relief for some and an added curse for others. Folks are still angry with Penn State for the actions and non-actions of a few. The innocents at the University would like to move on from the issue, but there's too many people still wanting to know "How the Heck Joe Pa or any of those who'd heard about Sandusky ignore and overlook the abuse of children on their campus?" With nobody immediately coming forth with an honest answer, it paints an accusing picture of all those involved as guilty of conspiracy to ignore and cover-up the crime.

I understand the innocent community of Happy Valley, PA. wanting to leave this ugly controversy behind, but I agree with those who wanna hold the university accountable and get to the truth about who knew, when they knew and why they did nothing to stop a serial child abuser from repeating offenses on their watch.

It's sad to say but I think this case will get a lot uglier before the answers are pried out of Penn State. One commenter on Penn State playing the game against Nebraska today had this to say:

Joe Pa should have been watching this on a TV hanging on a prison wall, while toweling off from a shower session of his own

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