Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Ole Reliable Zach Miller Signs With Seattle


News of Raiders pro bowl tight-end Zach Miller signing a five year deal with the Seattle Seahawks completely shattered my hopes for an improved silver & black squad this season. Zach has been the most consistent offensive weapon for the Raiders since, since, since.........

I won't speculate the with others as to why Zach left us, I can only hope the Raiders find a replacement tight end with three-quarters the toughness and producibility Zach exhibited.

There is no upside to losing a player like Zach Miller. The Raiders offense grew by leaps and bounds last season and Zach was a big part of it. Now we're left with a huge hole in our offensive arsenal and I feel we might find ourselves retuning to a one-dimensional running team.

Overall I'm as happy for Zach as I was for Nnamdi getting top dollar to play in Philly this season. But for reasons only a die-hard Raiders fan can understand, the blow from losing Zach has me wobbly and in need of a standing eight count to regroup.

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