Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Major League Baseball Franchise Files For Broke

It's something I always said I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy. Oh well, so much for enemy wishes. Just so happens that today my worse enemy in baseball experienced the wrath of double-dipping financial management. Yes indeed, the once proud franchise known as the Los Angeles Dodgers are now under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection, a historic event.

Nobody here in the land of World Series Champion Giants are shedding any tears for the bums in blue. What did they expect representing the land of make believe and plastic people, that it would last forever?

My only concern is that the franchise I've loved to hate might relocate, leaving us Giants fans without a team to curse and wish bad omens on. Guess that bottle of voodoo juice I opened on the Dodgers early in the season actually worked. As with Kobe and the Lakers, the Dodgers have been made helpless and are no longer relevant. Stick a fork in them, they're done!

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