Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sideways - These Feelings Won't Go Away

Heard this song by Citizen Cope , featuring Carlos Santana, in a movie titled "Ghost Town." Most of us have been where this song takes you. Dealing with those feelings of loss or rejection causes your world to stop on a dime. That's when we begin reflecting and trying to make sense of it all. After beating ourselves up over what we did or didn't do we hope to come out of it with some semblance of sanity.

This song, along with the mind settling car ride shown in this video, hint to that moment of truth in our lives. We go through lows and aloneness in order to appreciate the highs and loving relationships. We need others to care about in order to feel completely human in our lives. The pain caused by loss is a temporary one, so don't let your feelings push you to that point of no return. Time heals as well as teaches.

"This too shall pass"

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