Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Programmable Grenade Launcher ---------------- At A War Near U!

Its a news item I hesitate to post simply because it doesn't promote "Peace on Earth." Its purpose is to introduce just the opposite, havoc and destruction.

The Pentagon's newly-sanctioned weapon of fast destruction will supposedly change the way battles are fought. The XM25 is a grenade launching rifle that utilizes programmable technology with its fire-power to engage targets hidden behind barriers. Its the XM25's 25mm shell that carries the brains in the form of an embedded microchip. Here's one description of how the technology works:

The revolutionary advance involves an array of sights, sensors and lasers that reads the distance to the target, assesses elements such as air pressure, temperature, and ballistics and then sends that data to the microchip embedded in the XM25 shell before it is launched

The army suggests that the XM25 will slash civilian deaths and damage with its pinpoint, low-risk accuracy. The army also is saying that "this system is turning soldiers with average shooting skills into those with phenomenal shooting skills."

It is such statements like these from the army that makes me shudder. We all know what happens when destructive technology gets into the wrong hands. We also know that today's proprietary technology sooner or later is released to the highest bidder(s). Bottom line, this technology will most likely one day be used against our own troops. And worse, its possible through a black-market cartel they can be released on the streets of a city near you. Remember what the army said, that the weapon only requires average shooting skills.

So although many battle tacticians of war will see this weapon as an edge over enemy forces, I personally see it as taking another bite out of humanity by introducing faster and easier ways to kill. Let's face it, if I'm a bad guy I want one of these sucka's and I'll plop down the dollars (for the price of a 2011 Buick Regal) to make sure I'm the first bully on the block with one.
Remember that old NRA slogan of "guns don't kill people, people kill people?" Well it looks as if that saying is about to be flipped on its head. The guns are getting smarter and the people are relying more on technology to do their thinking and less on the good ole noodle upstairs.
The makers of this combination of lethal hardware and software are Heckler & Koch along with L3 Communications.

Who are these two manufacturers and what regulations, if any, restricts them from selling to the enemy? Here's one article I was able to pull up on a quick web search:

The prime contractor for the development of the XM-25 CDTE is Alliant Techsystems, with major supporting contributions from L-3 Communications/Brashear (target acquisition/ fire control); Heckler & Koch Defense Gmbh (airburst weapons); and Alliant Techsystems (ammunition).

Here's another from a forum that links the two companies to a U.S. Congresswoman. This is really further than I wanted to delve bigbrother; honest:

~~~ And what is even more unethical, is the fact that Sanchez sits on the Homeland Security Committee, and as “LatinoPoliticoBlog” goes on to state:

“Since 2005, according the lobbying profile database at, Einwechter has represented Heckler and Koch. Heckler and Koch manufactures firearms that are used by the Department of Homeland Security, again a government entity over which Congresswoman Sanchez has critical oversight. Beginning in 2008, according to the same lobbying profile database, Einwechter has also represented L1 Identity Solutions, which provides face, palm, and iris recognition products used by the Department of Homeland Security. L1 Identity Solutions also provides products to help implement the Real ID Act. The CEO of L1 Identity Solutions is Robert La Penta, who co-founded L3 Communications, a company that makes surveillance and reconnaissance equipment for the Department of Defense and Departments of Homeland Security. L3 Communications was the third top contributor to Loretta Sanchez’s campaign committee in the last election cycle.” Please find the full article here ~~~

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