Saturday, December 25, 2010

All Hands On Deck!

This weekend the Raiders will need everyone from Coach Cable to long snapper Jon Condo on deck and ready to do battle. They're facing a battleship commanded by one of the fiercest admirals ever to chart a football field.

Quarterback Peyton Manning and his 2009 AFC Champion Indianapolis Colts are motoring toward Northern California on a search and destroy mission and set to drop anchor at the Oakland Coliseum this Sunday. The Colts, battle weary and bruised, haven't steered through opponents with ease like last season on their way to Super Bowl XLIV, but with fearless Admiral Manning at the helm the ship is still a threat to any opponents playoff hopes.

The Oakland Raiders playoff hopes hang by a thread. We'll know before the first volley of gunfire cracks the Coliseum's crisp autumn air Sunday whether that playoff thread is salvageable. But word in Oaktown is that this is about more than just the frickin playoffs.

The Raiders are armed and ready to fight a ferocious battle to reclaim their reputation as a pillaging and plundering crew feared in decades past. The plan is to blow any and all enemy craft to bits. This Sunday the white and blue clad Colts are the enemy invading our territory. So let them bring it, we'll turn that blue horsehoe on their helmets upside down.

Coach Tom Cable's message to his players as well as the Raider Nation Fans:

Bring Me Everyone!

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