Sunday, October 03, 2010

Raiders Go Down Slinging Passes

Let's face it; the Houston Texans have one helluva team. They came to Oaktown this weekend and showed the silver and black how a "PLAYOFF CALIBER TEAM" looks running, passing and pressuring on defense. Still I gotta give it to my Boys in Black, they battled back after every Texans score.

The Raiders kept from beating themselves this weekend and were rarely penalized. If only the Raiders offensive line could protect the quarterback. If only the Oakland defense could avoid giving up that one big play to a top league rusher that saps the energy out of the boys. A "How-To-Tackle-Fantasy-Rushers" class would defnitely be in order.

Again, gotta give our Defensive boys credit though, they battled to the end and gave the offense a final chance with three minutes remaining. But when your quarterback is dodging missiles that pierce through an offensive line like hot knives through butter, chances are that winning drive evaporates before it reaches the 50-yard line.

Wide receiver Zach Miller played like a pro bowler and the Raiders as a unit gave us fans plenty to cheer for, but again the other team on the field seemed just a step ahead in execution and consistency.

Yep, the hometown Raiders gave it the good ole college try, but the Texans ain't no team of academia classman playing for an edu-ma-cation. The Houston Texans are a professional football team who've taken their game to the next level.

Final Score
Texans 31
Raiders 24

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