Sunday, May 16, 2010

French Make Gory Horror Movies

I'd heard about this horror movie from one reviewing fan who suggested it was better than "The Collector." When I first read the fan review I thought he had to be joking, something made in France that was better horror than the suspenseful Collector, who ingeniously trapped his victims in a booby-trapped house before killing or "collecting" them? No way.

But then I rented the movie "Inside" and all I can say to that reviewer now is "Oui Oui Monsieur!"

The French are fast becoming in horror film making what the Japanese are known for today in automaking; innovative leaders in their field. And their doing it with budgets that appear to be less than generous.

Simply put, the movie "Inside" hit a fear nerve in me that few movies of late have even come close to. This movie is not a scary movie in the sense of "Scary Movie" Hollywood. This movie...............THIS MOVIE grabs you with its G-O-R-Y intentions and G-R-I-S-S-L-Y assaults.

Unlike the movie "The Collector" where part of the thrilling-suspense was the killer's unknown identity and reason for killing, in "Inside" you are made well aware of who's doing the killing and what they're after. Its the "what they're after" part that makes a grown man like myself jump off the couch and crumble to the floor while watching this movie.

What the movie lacks in cinematography and acting quality it definitely makes up for in raw, in your face horror. The horror becomes even more horrific when you think that the psychotic needs that drive the killer are taken right out of today's news headlines in the real world.

Be warned though, this movie is not for any and everybody. "Inside" should definitely come with a Surgeon General's warning printed on the DVD cartridge. But for us already deranged horror movie lover's, its a movie feast we don't wanna miss.

Bon Appetite!

note: be sure your copy has english audio. sub-titled horror is a no, no.

Other French Made Horror: High Tension

1 comment:

  1. RaiderLegend, RaideLegend!

    This movie is the most shocking portrayal of a demented mind every put on film, and one that I cannot bear to watch again!

    Psychotic is too mild a term for the villain in this movie; that reference belongs to the villains of such films as "Saw" or "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

    For anyone thinking they have the guts to watch this film after reading these critiques; all I have to say is "You Were Warned".
