Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is it Football Season Yet?

(Raiders Chicks Dig Me)

Here we are at the end of basketball season and beginning of baseball season and all I can think of is Football.

I'm wondering who will the Oakland Raiders draft this week? Who will be our starting quarterback this season? What veteran player(s) will we sign to improve our team?

I've tried getting hyped for baseball season. but the season is just so damn long with so many games that I lose the hype bug a few weeks in.

I thought I'd enjoy a bit of NBA playoff basketball but the excitement that was the NCAA March Madness tournament last month can only be matched by a Lebron and Kobe head-to-head battle in the Championship game. That hoped for match-up is almost two months away.

Sure Mayweather vs Mosley will get my adrenaline pumped during a night of championship boxing, but more times than not the fat lady has sung way too early and I'm left unfulfilled and disappointed.

Golf, Soccer, MMA, Kentucky Derby, Fly Fishing?

I'll take an Oakland Raiders tailgate party over any of the above events. Besides, Raiders chicks dig me.

Gosh I Love Football!
- Elias, Raiders Fan Since Birth; 9/1/2005

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