Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take It Anymore!

ver experience that feeling of helplessness when confronting the Internal Revenue Service about your "past transgressions?" Well, today's news reports that some poor tax payer, completely frustrated and crazed over his inability to see things through the IRS's eyes, just couldn't take it anymore.

Case and point. In Austin, Texas today fifty-three year old Joseph Stack wrote a suicide note, set fire to his home and proceeded to drive 30 miles to Georgia, Tx where his single-engine Piper Cherokee is housed. He did not file a flight plan which is proper protocol for any flight.

After a thunderous explosion followed by fire ripped through a seven story building that houses the IRS in Austin,Tx, it soon became apparent where Stacks flight plan was filed; in his disturbed mind.

In the suicide note left behind, Stack cited run-ins with the IRS tax agency, government bailouts and corporate America's "thugs and plunderers." Yes folks, Stack was mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore. Here's some of what else was in the note:

"I have had all I can stand," he wrote in the note, dated Thursday, adding: "I choose not to keep looking over my shoulder at `big brother' while he strips my carcass."

I'm sure some of us tax payers have felt like stripped carcasses after paying our dues to our country. But "Come'On Man," you can't go flying planes into buildings and harming innocent people because things didn't go your way. I wonder if Stack had already tried yelling out his window that he was mad as hell and not gonna take this anymore? Maybe, just maybe, the crazed voice inside his troubled head answered back.

Read the rest of the terror filled story.
Man Angry At IRS Crashes Plane Into Building

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