Sunday, January 03, 2010

Ravens Romp Into Playoffs Over Raiders

Marquis Victor Cooper
(born March 11, 1982,[1]; missing March 1, 2009)

Lost But Not Forgotten

Today's game between the Oakland Raiders and the Baltimore Ravens in Oakland was a good football game to watch. The Raiders were competitive through most of the game and even had a chance in the final three minutes to tie it. Unfortunately the defense had a bit of trouble stopping the Baltimore running game when it mattered most while the offense was back to fielding quarterback Jamarcus Russell due to a back injury to starting QB Charlie Frye.

Coach Cable didn't say it in his press conference, but the fact that Jamarcus gave up two turnovers in relief of a stellar earlier performance by Charlie Frye may have been the difference in the outcome. Though Jamarcus may have played his best pro career game, at one point he was 6 of 8 passing for 72 yards, his problems with pocket presence, field vision and holding on to the ball still loom large.

I will say though that the Raiders passing game was impressive and their third down conversion rate was much improved. But in the end it was another Raiders loss that could have and maybe should have been a win. Sure they were competitive, but six years of losing seasons makes a fan hungry for more than just giving it the ole college try. Much more.

So I say so long to this 2009 Raiders football season that produced 5 wins and 11 losses. We had some great wins against Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Denver. Some of the bright lights at the end of the tunnel:

Wide Receivers Louis Murphy and Chaz Schilens
QB Bruce Gradkowski
Safety Michael Huff
RB Michael Bush
Defensive Ends Matt Shaughnessy and Trevor Scott

Thanks Richard Seymour and Greg Ellis for bringing the veteran know how to our Defense and keeping us in many a game this season.

My off season wish list is for the Raiders to acquire beastly offensive and defensive lineman. Give our quarterbacks more time and protections, and give our defensive backs more quarterback pressure and we've got ourselves a playoff contender. Just wait'll next year.

Love U Silver & Black!

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