Saturday, December 05, 2009

Message-To-Al Billboard Leased for 4 Weeks

Good work Raider Nation! The "Message to Al" billboard went up on on the Nimitz Freeway (Hwy 880) Dec. 1st and will remain until Dec. 28th, three days after Xmas, in hopes that majority team owner Al Davis will deliver Raider Nation a years overdue Xmas gift. The billboard should be a reminder to all Raiders fans, especially Al Davis, that our team needs GM leadership in order to produce a winning product on the field.

Silver And Black Forever says it best when commenting about the significance of hiring a GM in his "Message To AL" post:

"It isn't rocket science. It isn't a breakthrough idea. It isn't anything revolutionary. It is merely a logical, reasonable solution to making a significant positive change."

So next time you find yourself riding on the Nimitz take time to peek up and view the billboard that represents a Xmas Card to team owner Al Davis, from the loyal yet frustrated Raider Nation. Why even good ole St. Nick finally listened to reason from his elves and approved of a little red nosed reindeer to lead his sled team through a blasting blizzard one foggy Xmas eve.

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