Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Paris + Olympics = Snoop Dogg U.S.A.

Some memes just make you wanna go, Yes! Yes! Yes!

Above we have the legendary rapper, corona commercial icon, cannabis club owner, Snoop Dogg, reppin' the U.S. at the Paris Olympics. 

The problem with this satirized image is Snoop is known for holding onto a blunt like it's crazy-glued to his fingers. The Olympic torch is meant to be passed (relayed) to others along the route leading to the Olympic cauldron. Not puffed down to a 'pinche' roach. 

But I must admit, who better to maintain a lit flame while enroute to a grand stage, where the torch bearer will ceremoniously "Drop it like it's Hot."

When real life imitates fiction, there is where creative minds produce works of art. And when it comes to Snoop Dogg, no other country has one. Therefore, no other country can compete. Shine On Snoop, Shine On!

Monday, July 29, 2024

SF Giants Fitzgerald Matches Babe Ruth Record


The second-year shortstop is really giving the Giants a much-needed boost in their lineup. Meanwhile, he's giving the league reason to take a look at his breakout season stats. 

As of July 27, 2024, Giants SS Tyler Fitzgerald has gone on an "eight-game tear," putting up numbers seen only once before over an eight-game stretch of major league baseball. The previous hit machine was no other than Herman 'Babe' Ruth.

Whether it was Nick Ahmed's pedestrian hitting, or the hot bat of Fitzgerald, the Giants chose to release the veteran shortstop a few weeks ago. Two weeks later he was picked up by the Dodgers, Da' bum!

Meanwhile, Fitzgerald continues to produce for the Orange and Black. As of this weekend's play, he has at least one hit in the last eleven games, with eight home runs, thirteen runs-batted-in, and six walks. I'm not much of a stats guy, but I do know the veteran Ahmed has only two home runs and sixteen runs-batted-in so far for the Season! Granted, one of those home runs was a revenge hit against the Giants after he'd signed with the Dodgers. Da' Bum!

Needless to say, the Giants have some exciting young players who have stepped up their games, making the team look that much more likely to have a shot at post-season play. 

The MLB trade deadline is tomorrow, July 30th, at 6pm ET. So far, the Giants have stayed put. Not a peep. I hope they continue to stay put. The pitching is expected to be better this second half of the season, and if their hitting can be more consistent, they have a better chance at winning more series. They are only four games out of competing for the final two wild-card spots. Hell, there's actually a race to the finish line for those three wild-card spots, with what looks like ten NL teams legitimately in the hunt. So, it comes down to who can get hot and stay hot this second half.

For the Giants it comes down to continued stellar defensive play, and the offensive formula of baseball that has been tried and true for so long:  Get'em On, Get'em Over, Get'em In.  .  .  .

MLB Central discussing Tyler Fitzgerald's home run streak!

Tyler Fitzgerald on Blazing Power-Hitting Surge for Giants (si.com)

Update: Braves acquire OF Jorge Soler and RHP Luke Jackson from Giants for LHP Tyler Matzek and INF Sabin Ceballos

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Vote Kamala Harris for President


For the young people of America who are frustrated with the HATE politics of our country. 
Here she is: Kamala Harris for President 2024!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hannah Arendt - Author of "The Origins of Totalitarianism


I write this post about a woman author who heroically wrote about the wrongs of man toward fellow man.

I came across one of Hannah Arendt's books earlier this year, and it was so deep and fascinating to me for its breakdown of Nazism and Totalitarianism, that I felt I better understood today's flirtation with fascism and dictatorship. I and many Americans I've spoken with during and after the Trump Administration have been asking the same question over and over again:

What is it that can cause a respected and principled democratic political party to turn 180 degrees and start marching in the opposite direction, away from all pledges and principles once beholden to them? 

What can make politicians, both women and men, and many highly educated, take a loyalty pledge to any man, above and beyond the pledge taken to serve the United States of America?

And what is so rewarding that it elicits from pre-Trump party members outright lies and untruths, suggesting many party members are willing to tear down American institutions which have served the country since its inception?

Answer: Power/Evil

Hannah Arendt gave us a great analysis 73 years ago of what drives totalitarianism. Though many have disagreed with her analysis and theories, all will agree what she wrote gives one pause to consider the failures of previous totalitarian movements, as well as the horrific potential of future ones. Her writings are as relevant today as they were when first appearing on the scene in 1950's post-WWII. She not only wrote about Nazism, but she also lived it. Arendt was arrested and briefly imprisoned by the Gestapo in 1933 for performing illegal research into antisemitism. She was Jewish.

The following is taken from writings about and by Hannah Arendt on her wikipedia page:

The Origins of Totalitarianism, published in 1951, was Hannah Arendt's first major work, where she describes and analyzes Nazism and Stalinism as the major totalitarian political movements of the first half of the 20th century.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.[397][398]

The historian knows how vulnerable is the whole texture of facts in which we spend our daily life; it is always in danger of being perforated by single lies or torn to shreds by the organized lying of groups, nations, or classes, or denied and distorted, often carefully covered up by reams of falsehoods or simply allowed to fall into oblivion. Facts need testimony to be remembered and trustworthy witnesses to be established in order to find a secure dwelling place in the domain of human affairs[400]

Arendt took a broader perspective on history than merely totalitarianism in the early 20th century, stating "the deliberate falsehood and the outright lie have been used as legitimate means to achieve political ends since the beginning of recorded history."[404][405] Contemporary relevance is also reflected in the increasing use of the phrase, attributed to her, "No one has the right to obey" to reflect that actions result from choices, and hence judgement, and that we cannot disclaim responsibility for that which we have the power to act upon.[326] In addition those centers established to promote Arendtian studies continue to seek solutions to a wide range of contemporary issues in her writing.[406]

Arendt's teachings on obedience have also been linked to the controversial psychology experiments by Stanley Milgram, that implied that ordinary people can easily be induced to commit atrocities.[407][408] Milgram himself drew attention to this in 1974, stating that he was testing the theory that Eichmann like others would merely follow orders, but unlike Milgram she argued that actions involve responsibility.[409][410]

In Search of the Last Agora, an illustrated documentary film by Lebanese director Rayyan Dabbous about Hannah Arendt's 1958 work The Human Condition, was released in 2018 to mark the book's 50th anniversary. Screened at Bard College, the experimental film is described as finding "new meaning in the political theorist's conceptions of politics, technology and society in the 1950s", particularly in her prediction of abuses of phenomena unknown in Arendt's time, including social media, intense globalization, and obsessive celebrity culture.[413]

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Republican Convention Held at Cow Palace, Daly City, CA.?

CORE Civil Rights protesters at the 1964 Republican National Convention at the Cow Palace, July 13 1964
John McBride/The Chronicle

In July 1964, Republicans held their National Convention in Daly City, California at the Cow Palace Arena & Event Center. The San Francisco Warriors played two NBA Finals games against the Boston Celtics at the center a few months earlier. Boston won the championship series, 4-1. The series matched Warriors big man Wilt Chamberlain against Celtics big man Bill Russell. Both performed like all-stars, and future Hall-of-Famers.

But this post was not written to bring back nostalgic Warriors vs Celtics battles. It's to document the last time, possibly the only time, Republicans chose the Bay Area as the place to hold their most important political party convention: the nomination of a Republican Presidential Candidate. Republicans coming to the Bay to party must have been like Bill Graham bringing his evangelical crusade to the area in 1997 to "cleanse the Bay of sin and save souls." If I remember correctly, the crusade was scheduled around Halloween. Nobody I knew attended, thank God!

I just happened to stumble across this interesting piece of Bay Area history while watching a Morning Joe episode commemorating D-Day (June 6, 2024). A segment of the show featured black and white footage from the convention, with then Republican Presidential Nominee Barry Goldwater giving his acceptance speech. The footage was dated: 

July 17, 1964
Daly City, CA.

Browsing the internet, I came across an article from July 16, 2016. Rather than try highlighting the well written article by Bill Van Niekerken, about the "wild national convention" held in the Bay Area, I decided it best to just list a link to it below. 1964 was definitely a wild year for America. Coming off the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of President Kennedy, the year that was 1964 saw a shift in culture, politics, and vision for the country. 

It was the year Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident in Vietnam occurred in early August, eventually escalating U.S. military involvement in the war.  And of course, it was the year a British band called "The Beatles" made their American debut on Ed Sullivan Show. And not to be left out, the Raiders played the Houston Oilers in the first professional football game ever played in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a preseason game played at Cashman Field. Raiders won the game 53-49.

When the GOP held a wild national convention in the Bay Area (sfchronicle.com)

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian (state.gov)

1964 The Beatles Tribute (1964web.com)

Warriors Arena History

History - Cow Palace

Cashman Field - Las Vegas Lights FC

Note: Barry Goldwater's Acceptance Speech is remembered for two controversial and disturbing lines which sadly still resonate in today's political environment:

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

On the Saying that “Extremism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice” - Niskanen Center

On the Saying that “Moderation in Pursuit of Justice Is No Virtue” - Niskanen Center

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Aiyuk is a Raiders Longshot!

Today's sports news includes a shocking request from 49ers wide receiver Brandon Aiyuk. He's the receiver who had that incredible catch against the Lions in the NFC Championship game, which swung the momentum the 49ers way big time. Yes, that Brandon Aiyuk. 

The Niners and Aiyuk haven't been able to agree on a new contract and talks appear stalled. He's frustrated and has let the Niners know he wants "up outta there" via a trade. Teams are licking their chops at the thought of Brandon Aiyuk becoming available through a trade, Although, it's common for players to play the "trade me" card when renegotiating their contract. Meanwhile, teams are preparing for a trade possibility as they count cap dollars and reevaluate current personnel to see if, and how, they could afford the 26-year-old playmaking receiver. 

One team with an eye on the prize is our own Raiders. It appears coach Antonio Pierce was a defensive coordinator and recruiting coordinator at Arizona State during Aiyuk's 2018 & 2019 collegiate seasons there. I mean, who doesn't like the Sun Devils! Their fight song was written by Al (Albert) Davis, band director in 1940.

Also, Aiyuk grew up in Reno, NV, and spent time in Las Vegas as a youngster. So yes, he has ties to the Raiders. But it's a longshot that he'd somehow end up wearing Silver & Black this season. But if the deal somehow gets done. Oh MY!

Feb. 14, 2024

If, however, it means giving up #17 Davante Adams, No Deal!

WR With Ties to Raiders Brandon Aiyuk Requests Trade: Report (heavy.com)

(ASU Alumni, NFL Hall of Fame)

note: Raiders Great - CB Mike Haynes

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump Rally Shooting!

Today's violent act may just be the culmination of violent rhetoric finally backfiring on those promoting violence. It sure has a "chickens coming home to roost" feel to it. 

Some at the rally thought the popping sounds were fireworks. Many watching at home felt it looked staged. And most who disagree with the man's violent rhetoric are not surprised at anyone spouting hate, violence, and retribution being a target of the hate you give. 

If to espouse a "climate of hate" is your path to power, you are well aware of the risks you take and hitchhikers you pick up traveling such a path. Perhaps it is now truly time for a reroute or "change of climate." Scriptures on God The Giver - From These Shores

The times Trump has advocated for violence (axios.com)

‘A tinderbox’: How Trump’s amped-up words are making political violence more likely - Roll Call

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence - ABC News (go.com)

Is Donald Trump normalizing political violence in America? | On Point (wbur.org)

Trump under fire again for violent language and dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric | PBS News

Malcolm X(Film) "Chicken's Coming home to Roost" (youtube.com)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Now is Your Time! Leap on it!

By Herbert Kaufman

This is your hour - creep on it!

Summon your power, leap upon it!

Grasp it, clasp it, hold it tight!

Strike it, spike it, with full might!

If you take too long to ponder,

Opportunity may wander.

Yesterday's a bag of sorrow;

No man ever finds Tomorrow.

Hesitation is a mire -

Climb out, climb up, climb on higher!

Make a start, however humble!

Do your best and do it now!

Pluck and grit will find out how.

Persevere, although you tire -

While a spark is left, there's fire.

Distrust doubt; doubt is a liar.

Even if all mankind jeer you,

You can force the world to cheer you.

Leap like a Tiger, Walk Like a Tortoise

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Bronny James

Imagine the pressure on this young man as he joins the L.A. Lakers team. He is the son of one of the best players in NBA history. His college stats are not that impressive, yet much is expected out of this young man with "The King" of basketball as his father. 

I hope only the best for Bronny. More than anything though, I hope he is on a path of his own passion and choosing. Imagine your father being the best at his craft and you as his son just want to please your dad, make him proud. Sure, you've inherited some of his skills along with his surname, but your skillset is clearly not at the level shown by your father "The King" upon his leaving college and entering the NBA. 

You have just finished playing in your first NBA summer league game and your stats are what they are, unimpressive. Being drafted to your father's team, you know he'll be watching your every move both on and off the court. You're a young man who will inevitably make young-man mistakes both on and possibly off the court. How will you face your father "The King" should those mistakes reflect negatively on dad and the family. 

For you, unlike all the other rookies entering the league this season, your success or failure is bigger than you. It is bigger because you carry a huge basketball legacy on your shoulders going into this journey. And it is being magnified by the league, the media, and fans of the game. 

But trust me, the biggest pressure is the weight you put on yourself. So don't go burdening yourself with what others may think or say son. Just play your game and have some fun doing it.

I'm sure your dad has given you all the advice and teachings any proud father would pass down to his son. And I'm sure he only wants for you what you want for yourself. There lies the beauty of a close father/son relationship, knowing you can consult and confide in your dad on anything you feel pressured or divided on in life. He has been down the road you have entered upon, and he knows what it means to have high expectations placed on your shoulders. 

Your dad also knows the bottom-line business aspects of the game, and he'll be the first to tell you to play for the passion and love of the game, not fame or fortune. Because many great players have given the game their all, only to feel as if the game owed them something more for their contributions. I suppose any celebrity, superstar, or even laborer can feel thrown away and used once the organization they've worked for feels they are unproductive, unpopular, and/or unprofitable. "Basketball is what you do, it's not what you are."

What you'll take most from the game is learning about yourself and how you handle favorable and unfavorable situations. You'll be doing this with a spotlight on you. Whatever the situation, try to be your own man and your own best critic and motivator. Remember to stay humble yet hungry for success in what you do. Because the outside noise can uproot and imbalance the best of players, throwing them off their game. Keep the focus on Bronny.

Your growth will not come from a high salary nor the fame of being an NBA player. Your growth will be in seeing all the beliefs and values family instilled in you come to fruition. 

It is likely you have already experienced growth just by having the opportunity of being drafted into the league. Having the chance to give your best effort at the highest level of a game you love playing is a blessing. At the end of the day the only question to ask yourself is did I give my best. The other blessing is knowing when you no longer love playing the game and/or when it's time to move on from it. "To everything there is a season." May all your decisions and goals keep you true to yourself and your spiritual teachings.

There was once another man who earned the title "The King."  There is a biblical quote in answer to His detractors questioning Him publicly, in hopes of seeing Him stumble and fall flat in failure, in front of His own peoples.

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's"

You should know Bronny, that you are much more than an NBA player. And you are much more than the son of a future Hall-of-Fame NBA player. You are a rising soul in the body of a young man being given the opportunity to choose the life he wants to live, and legacy he wants to leave behind. It is a blessed, God-given life. One to be cherished. You've been equipped with the toolbox. It is now up to you to do the work.

It is your season to begin creating the who, what, where, when, and why, that is to be Bronny the man. Life is so much bigger than a basketball court or league. If you don't believe me, just ask "The King."

God Bless!!!